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New Life Lesson On Hidden Strength

Today, I learnt yet another lesson from how my day went that I know can be applied to our life experiences and the will power we have to withstand whatever challenges that may come our way.

Your mind will tell you, “NO….if this happened to me, I couldn’t really bear it”, but when it hits you….that’s when you know how tough you were made to withstand anything life throws at you.

It is a part of life that we will face challenges. It happens to everyone at one point in their life or another. The most important thing is to make sure you are prepared physically, mentally and emotionally for when those difficult times hit you.

Be like that man who building a house, dug down deep and laid the foundation on solid rock so that when a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.

Stay strong and know that tough times don’t last….tough people do ~ Evangelist FAB

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