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God’s Grace Is Very Personal – Lessons About Your Personal “Chi”

We MUST learn to take responsibility for all our actions and choices especially when you find yourself in a relationship with another human being!.

It is not okay to treat people with “disrespect” like they are devoid of any emotion.

When you leave people in tears, they can call on their “Chi” to fight their battle as Igbo people call it and the Youbas call it “Ori”.

It is believed that everyone has a personal “Chi” or “Ori” which is said to be one’s personal guiding light, guardian angel, personal spirit or god, soul, spirit-double etc….

The name “Chichi” is a very common Igbo name and usually an abbreviation of a name that begins with “Chi” which is why “Igbos” have names like “Chika” (Chi is supreme), “Chibuzo” (Chi is in front), “Chinwuba” which asserts Chi’s special responsibility for increase and prosperity, “Chinwendu” which asserts Chi’s power over life, “Chikadibia” asserts “Chis” supremacy over one’s health.

According to the great Nigerian Author, Chinua Achebe, “the Igbo believe that a man receives his gifts or talents, his character – indeed his portion in life generally – before he comes into the world. The Igbos believe that when a man says yes his “Chi” will also agree; but not always. Sometimes a man may struggle with all his power and say yes most emphatically and yet nothing he attempts will succeed”.

I know some of you understand exactly what am talking about especially Nigerians and this has nothing to do with whether you are a “Christian” or some other religion. This “Chi” is what some refer to as “Karma”.

From a Christian perspective, we believe that Vengeance is the Lords’. Part of that vengeance, I think, is what “Karma” stands for. When people who wrong you get their short end of the stick because of the way they have treated people who had been nothing but “good” to them, they received swift judgement in their lifetime.

A lot of people are held back from progressing in life due to “curses” that have been placed on them by men and women that they’ve hurt in the past; people they WRONGED – someone’s “chi” will never go in judgement after someone who is innocent and whose hands are clean.

When you deceive and hurt people by toying with their emotion, the consequences are never pleasant. I have been told many times that I have a very strong “chi” which is why I try to end all my relationships on a good note. Yes, I make that effort to reach out so that there is no hard feelings afterward. You wish them all the best and they can continue on their way, just as God intended.

I feel sorry for anyone who my “Chi” has stood in judgement against. There are some people that you just can’t mess with their “Chi” and get away with it. Their tears are stronger than you can imagine and every drop of it will be accounted for. As long as you remain blameless, your “Chi” will fight for you!

The wrong place to face your judgement is before someone’s “Chi”.

With that said, I advise people to treat others the way you would like your “children to be treated… it a woman or man that you’ve had a relationship with.

This is one of the many reasons Christians pray against generational curses…..curses placed on one’s parents by people they have wronged and thought they had gotten away with.

How many of you can say AMEN to a prayer that your children be treated the exact same way you have treated people….I doubt that many will say AMEN to such a prayer.

We have to continue making an effort to be good to people. Be the best person you can be in your relationship and try your best to end on a good note, if it comes to that….let PEACE reign!
~ FAB ‪#‎PillowTalkWithFAB‬

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