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So Much For Priesthood As Rev. Father, Rev. Sister Renounce Celibate Vows To Get Married

Rev. Emmanuel King Ankiambom, a former priest of the Catholic Church, and an erstwhile reverend sister of the same Church, Hycinthia Timbong, on August 22 tied the nub of holy matrimony after renouncing their celibate vows and priesthood in the church.

To the shock of curious on lookers, the solemn ceremony took place yet in a Catholic Parish – Njimafor Parish in the neighborhood of  Bamenda, North West region of Cameroon (West Africa).

According to reports, the two had fallen in love ever before answering the call to ministry but were both separated during training in the early years of their service.


However, after serving for some years locally, Ankiambom was sent for further studies in Rome where he reunited with Timbong who was already serving at the Vatican at the time.

The reunion of the duo who both hail from Kom, Boyo division, re-ignited the passion for each other which they had tried to suppress over the years.

Reports have it that the Pope gave the duo the go ahead for the priest to renounce his vows and get married to the reverend sister.


The August 22 ceremony was officiated by 14 Reverend Fathers of the Catholic Church.

Source: Cameroon Daily Journal

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