While researching and trying to make a decision whether to purchase an older version of an electronic device vs. a newer version, I stumbled on the following tip when you’re considering the purchase of a home electronic device, these are simple tip to bear in mind:
1. Do not base a buying decision on what “might” happen
2. Always buy the best you can reasonably afford if that “best” fits you needs
3. Never buy based on what an advertisement promises (and don’t believe the pictures)
4. Never buy based on what a sales person promises
5. Always research multiple sources before buying
5a. Make sure that you understand what other equipment is required for the device to do what you want
6. Never assume that a feature you need is actually available on a given device. Check and make sure
7. Never rely on any one person’s opinion about reliability or suitability
8. Be sure you completely understand the manufacture’s warranty and the seller’s return policy before purchase
9. Never buy on impulse
10. Be consoled that no matter how careful you are something potentially better, faster and with more features WILL be released within two months of any purchase you make.
Source: Gilgamesh