There was an average penis size study done by British Researchers and published in the BJU International Journal of Urology. They found that the average male penis size was 5.16 inches (13.12 cm) and the average girth was 4.6 inches (11.66 cm). The study was carried out with the hope of reassuring the majority of men about the size of their penis and, in doing so, reduce anxiety that can be a leading cause of depression.
Interestingly, they also found no evidence that penis size was linked to race. In a study that took in 15,000 samples, they also found no correlation between foot size and penis size. For starters, the UK is shown to have an average of 5.5 instead of the 5.16 we know to be true.
A research was conducted by which aimed to rank countries based on their average penis size. Mandatory’s sample sizes were taken was various research papers, hospital records and databases.
Source: Sutbeat